It's the older and supposed to be "wiser" generation that fills the beautiful and once innocent eyes of children, with malice, hatred and evil. It is those who act with malice, hatred and evil and those who don't. It would be as small as telling a child there is no tooth fairy, or Santa Claus or it could be as hateful is describing the act or meaning behind war and murder, or sex. Children are put on this Earth to teach the older generations; to teach them about innocence, happiness, and peace. God sent the older generation to pay attention to these children, not to spread the hatred to the next generation. If this fact was acted upon, the generations of hatred would not be continued. There will always be a lost generation. I want the generation of my children to be the ones who stop the war, violence, and evil, and instead, live on in the acts of peace and happiness. Why does the innocence have to stop after adolescence?
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