In many ways, history is marked as 'before' and 'after' Rosa Parks. She sat down in order that we all might stand up, and the walls of segregation came down. --Jesse Jackson
Racism is the hateful act of believing one race is nothing to your own. It is the process in which one thinks that they are greater, more powerful, and that a certain race or culture has no value. In which Bible did God say to show disrespect to a person based on their colour, race, religion, age or sex? On what planet is there no discrimination, no segregation, no racism? One day, I hope to say that Earth knows not of discrimination, segregation, or racism, but follows the acts of equality and peace. When is it right to mock someone? Didn't God create all of us in his own image? Didn't God send Jesus to teach us to value all human life? Didn't Jesus die for all of us? If this was so, then we are all the same species; humans. What was the reason for the start of mankind's struggle to unite? Were these acts destined to happen so it could help us evolve? Or was it that these acts are here to help us understand that these labels given to us steal their way into our lives? The acts of Adolf Hitler express this hatred, this shame; it shows of its malice and evil; the slaying of 6 million because of their culture.. To me, this is where the line runs jagged because it was crossed too many times.
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